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7 Ways to Become a Fitness Addict

Everyone knows someone who, despite hectic schedules, never miss a day at the gym. Maybe they can seem a little obsessive about working out, but it's a much better habit than sitting on the couch eating chips! The good news is we all have the potential to become a fitness addict. Here are seven ways to make exercise a habit.

Get up earlier

Set your alarm and lay out everything you need for your morning workout. Switch on a lamp as soon as your alarm goes off, so you wake up faster. Working out at the same time every day may help you improve more quickly, and research has shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to stick with their workout than those who exercise later in the day. After all, if you get your sweat session out of the way first thing in the a.m., you won't miss out if unexpected distractions come up later in the day.

Give it time

Give yourself time, like six or more weeks at the gym because this is when you start to see esthetic changes in your body. Once you see these changes you won't want to go back to the old you. This is also about the time you will start to notice the difference in how you feel if you miss a day or two of exercise, and you will start to appreciate the natural high that comes after a good workout.

Find what you like

So you tried spinning and you hated it, or you threw up on your first day of CrossFit. That doesn't mean that all forms of fitness aren't for you, so get back out there and try something else. Find something that makes you tune out and gives you a release from your daily grind. You will know you found it when you look at the clock and an hour flashes by without you noticing.

Hire a trainer

Whether you are a total newcomer to the fitness scene or you just need a little motivation and guidance, a personal trainer can help you set goals and develop a plan to make them happen. People think they can't afford it, but they don't realize that even just one or two sessions with a trainer can be so beneficial. Investing just a couple hundred bucks can go a long way. Plus, a good trainer will also hold you accountable and will motivate you to work your hardest. It's all about positive reinforcement and being there for the client when they need it.

Find workout buddies

Working out is more fun with friends, and it's a lot harder to bail on when you've got other people relying on you. Your workout group could be an entire gym full of people, a regular fitness class where everyone knows your name, or just one exercise buddy who makes sure you are out of bed to meet for your morning walks. How about starting a fitness or weight-loss contest with your friends or coworkers? A little healthy competition always gets people motivated!

Make fitness convenient

Think about when, where, and how your workout can best fit into your daily routine. You don't want to travel far to get to a gym, or the likelihood of going will decrease immensely. For some people, a gym near the office will help them squeeze in a workout before work or during their lunch break, and for others, working out at home or at a gym near their house is more convenient. Plan ahead to make sure you can get everything you need, like clothes and shower supplies, or rent a locker at your gym so you can keep your things there all week long.

Invest in fitness

Being accountable with money is a good thing, and if you invest in a fitness regimen, you are more likely to work harder to get your money's worth. If you can afford it, join an upscale gym or splurging on classes like boxing or martial arts could be just the thing you need to force yourself to actually go. Or, bribe yourself with smaller investments, like treating yourself to a new pair of running shoes or workout pants.

Angelique Kronebusch Fitness

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