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In Focus | Nicholas Wilson of Wicked Wine Tours

In Focus is our gift to the community. A way for us to help show our recognition for the people, businesses and organizations that help make our city great. The team at is passionate about this community and the people that make it amazing. We want to show our friends, neighbours, family and colleagues that we notice them and the fabulous things that they do.

What is your name?
Nicholas Wilson

What do you always find yourself saying?
I am grateful.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select and why?
Trent Reznor: musician (Nine Inch Nails), composer (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Gone Girl), and Creative Director at Apple. I’m a huge fan of music; it permeates all aspects of my life. As a pure fan, Nine Inch Nails are hands-down my favourite band and their live show is beyond comparison. But more than that, Trent’s creative purpose and direction, willingness to experiment, and continually ground-breaking ideas inspire the creative side of me.

If you were to receive any existing public award, what award would you like to win?
As an aspiring novelist, The Giller Prize, given to a Canadian author of a novel or short story.

If you could spend a day with any historical figure, who would you choose and why?
Sir Winston Churchill. His role in history, strength of character, charisma, and inspiring way with words have always struck a chord with me, and his legendary surly demeanour and fondness for cigars and drink mean he would be a great guy to hit the pub with!

Who inspires you?
My family, particularly my parents and my grandfather, who was truly a great, great man. As an entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group.

What are three things on your bucket list?
Publish a novel, meet my soul-mate, and see all of the Wonders of the World.

If you had an enormous yacht, what would you name it?
Wicked One

If you could foresee a single day of your future in its entirety, what date would you select?
I wouldn’t; we create our future every day we are fortunate to be alive, and I wouldn’t want to know where or what I was years from now, which might colour my choices in the present.

What are you passionate about?
Wine, music, reading, writing, NFL, travel, and tattoos.

What has been your favourite day of your life, up to this point?
There have been many, but if I had to pick one, probably the day I first moved to the Cayman Islands, where I lived for five years. I’ll never forget the feeling of stepping off the airplane onto the tarmac in Georgetown, Grand Cayman, and realizing I was thousands of miles from home, I didn’t know a soul, and the future was a blank canvas for me to paint.

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
Having the fearlessness to move to the Caribbean at a very young age, with only myself to rely on to succeed. It had a significant impact on my world view, my character, and the choices I would later make in the future.

Where is your favourite place to dine in Kelowna? What do you like about it?
The Salted Brick; I’m a big fan of both artisan cheese and charcuterie, and of course, wine. They do it all very well.

What is your favourite activity or event in Kelowna? Why?
The Okanagan Wine Festivals. Despite the obvious relation to my business, there are so many fun events during the festival, and they are one of the reasons I developed a greater appreciation for the truly amazing and world-class wine we produce in our corner of the world.

What is the name of your business/organization?
Wicked Wine Tours

What does your business/organization do?
Wicked Wine Tours specializes in exceptional custom wine tours, craft beer and distillery tours, corporate and professional groups, and bachelorette and bachelor groups. We operate seven days per week, year-round, and tour the Okanagan from Lake Country to Similkameen Valley.

Where can people find you or your business online?

How do people connect with you on Linkedin?
Nicholas Wilson

Where can people find your business on Facebook?
Wicked Wine Tours

What is your Twitter account?

What is your mission?
It is the mission of Wicked Wine Tours to be the wine tour operator of choice and provide fun, informative, and memorable wine tours for visitors and residents in the Okanagan. Our friendly, knowledgeable and professional team will provide an exemplary experience and inspire and educate our guests by continually enhancing our expertise, and by developing and maintaining strong relationships with area wineries and tourism partners.

If you could achieve one thing within your field, what would it be?
To be perceived as a professional, responsible leader and steward of the local wine industry by my peers.

Where do you want your business/organization to be in five years?
The premier wine tour operator in the Okanagan, with a fleet of vehicles crisscrossing the valley, showcasing our stunning viticultural achievements to visitors and residents alike!

Who do you consider to be a forerunner within your field?
When considering the wine industry in the Okanagan as a whole, I could not pinpoint one individual; there are just too many talented and devoted people committed to creating world-class wine and growing the amazing wine industry that is being cultivated here.

What three qualities do you feel that your business/organization exemplifies?
Passion for excellence, attention to detail, and professionalism.

What would you like to say to your employees/volunteers?
I don’t yet have any employees, but when I do, I’ll ensure they are well-educated in wine and the area, well-trained, and supported; when you take care of your team, your team takes care of your guests, and the bottom line will take care of itself.

How does your business/organization impact the community?
I am always actively seeking ways to integrate with the community. I certainly believe in partnering and integrating with it, rather than simply operating and existing in it. I have donated complimentary tours to various charitable and business organizations to aid in fundraising efforts. In the future, I’ll look for opportunities to volunteer my energy and experience on various wine, tourism, and business-related boards and committees; anything where I feel I can have a significant impact and make a valuable contribution.

If you were trapped in an elevator with several wealthy investors from any field, which field would you want them to be experts in? What would say to them/talk about?
The wine industry and viticulture, for obvious reasons. I would love to talk about both growing the local wine industry, and perhaps more importantly, stewardship, towards ensuring we grow it in a sustainable way (both environmentally and economically) and protecting the industry from government and foreign interference.

If I could change one thing about Kelowna, it would be:
While I appreciate and respect all visitors to the area, as someone who spends a significant amount of time on the roads, the drivers of the rental RVs in the peak season are somewhat less than desirable to navigate around!

What do you think makes Kelowna great?
The stunning beauty of the area; I’m grateful for it every day when I wake up and look around at our gorgeous surroundings.

My choice for the Kelowna In Focus spotlight is:
Amanda Steadman and Heith Martin, new owners of The Flask Social House.

Some general comments I would like to share are:
I am very grateful to live and work in such an amazing part of the world. We truly are fortunate to be surrounded by such stunning beauty, and to have so many wonderful things to see and do in the region. And I really believe we have some of the finest wine in the world with which to enjoy with family and friends!

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