A great place to spend some quiet time with the family and even by yourself is at Rotary Marsh Park.
Some of the birds you will see there include a pair of Ospreys that breed on the platform out in the marsh. During fall and winter you can often find Hooded Mergansers, Ring-necked Ducks, Gadwall, American Wigeon, Mallard, Bufflehead and Lesser Scaup on the ponds at the Rotary Marshes. A Tufted Duck returned here for 3 consecutive winters in the early 1990s! It is worthwhile to walk the small jetty in the park where you can scan Okanagan Lake for grebes. While Common Loon is quite common be sure to check for other rare loons since Red-throated, Pacific and Yellow-billed have all occurred here at some point. The rocky shoreline is great for Lapland Longspur and Snow Bunting in the fall and winter. Amongst the Song Sparrows, check for American Tree Sparrows in the weeds along the path in winter, as well. Yellow-rumped Warblers have turned up here consistently in the winter, and in 2001 a Palm Warbler successfully winter in the vicinity. (source - Birding BC)
The images below were captured on a April 18, 2014 visit. Share your comments and experience at the park in the comments below.

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