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The largest Canadian flag ever produced popped up in Stanley Park over the weekend

There was a lot going on to celebrate Canada over the long weekend.

From coast to coast, tributes big and small popped up to pay tribute to the greatest country in the world on its 150th birthday.

One of the west coast tributes definitely falls under the ‘big’ category because the biggest Canadian flag ever produced went on display in Stanley Park.

The flag was only up for Saturday at the Brockton Oval in Stanley Park, but it certainly grabbed people’s attention.

“Every Canadian has something to contribute to this great nation and I wanted to create a visual symbol commensurate with our huge Canadian spirit,” said the flag’s creator, Zhen Zhong Li. “This flag reflects Canada’s inclusiveness, diversity and generosity.”

The flag measures at 140 by 70 metres, making up a total area of 9,900 square metres, which reflects the total area of Canada at a scale of 1 to 1,000,000.

Organizers plan to have the flag recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The logistics behind displaying something that big aren’t always easy and the public has Vancouver-Kingsway MP Don Davies to thank for helping it get up.

“Canada Day is a time to reflect on our shared history and look forward to the future with hope and optimism,” said Davies. “This initiative to create a colossal symbol of our nation was something that we just had to support.”

Davies and Li also thanked for helping make the display of this flag possible.

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