A Kelowna elementary school is now hosting over 100 new seats thanks to a five-classroom addition.
North Glenmore Elementary received a $7.5 million fund in 2023 to add 120 new seats for the fast growing school.
The prefabricated additions make for a more cost effective building and allow for the new seats to be built twice as fast as traditional schools.
“We are committed to providing students with the best possible learning environments,” said Lisa Beare, minister of education and child care.
“These prefabricated additions will provide students with the spaces they need to succeed, and will benefit these communities for years to come.
According to BC’s Ministry of Infrastructure, the North Glenore Elementary addition is one of four new additions to elementary schools across the province.
Schools in Coquitlam, Surrey and Smithers also received new additions.
Along with Kelowna, a total of 640 student seats have recently opened.
Another 450 seats are currently under construction in Coquitlam and Richmond.
The province said the classrooms are just like regular classrooms and align with the CleanBC targets and meet BC’s enhanced energy requirements.
Bowinn Ma, minister of infrastructure, said the additions are one way the province can quickly get new classroom spaces ready for fast growing communities and neighbourhoods.
“These additions get students into new classrooms faster, while still providing the same lifespan and comforts of a traditional school environment,” Ma said.