A few new signs are about to go up around Black Mountain Golf Club.
They say: “Please respect our neighbours. Restrooms are located at the clubhouse and after hole #4, 8, 11, 15.”

It comes after a lengthy back and forth between residents who live in the area and the golf course regarding concerns about public urination in front of homes.
“We’ve been having conversations for almost a year now,” Karen Sadler told KelownaNow on Monday. “That’s been my frustration, because they have been promising (signs) for a while now and nothing has happened.”
Sadler and her husband Tom Glaeden have even put up a large sign of their own that hangs from their deck overlooking the 10th hole.
It reads: “Golfers we see you! Don’t pee here!” However, that doesn't seem to have resolved the issue.

“They are urinating in full view of residents relaxing on their balconies or walking along the sidewalk,” added Sadler. “Residents, including young girls and children, are being forced to witness this behaviour multiple times a day.”
Russ Latimer, general manager at Black Mountain Golf Club, told KelownaNow that he has been in contact with Sadler and the requested signs have been produced and will be installed “very shortly.”
They will be put in spots where men are known to pee on the course and houses are close by, he said.
As the sign notes, there are two bathrooms on the course and golfers pass by them twice, and with the clubhouse bathrooms at the turn, which golfers pass seconds before they reach homes on the 10th hole, there are five chances to pee in a facility during the 18-hole trek.

But Latimer also admitted that it’s a difficult issue to do much more about and said, fairly, that it’s something that happens on golf courses all over the world.
“Other courses (including many in Kelowna) will all have the same issues with homeowners not entirely happy with the activities they see on the golf course,” he said.
Latimer added that, unfortunately, living on a public golf course isn’t simply a beautiful view and the smell of fresh-cut grass.
Sadler and Glaeden understand that sometimes nature calls quickly on the golf course, but maintain that the location on the 10th hole that many golfers decide to relieve themselves at is highly inappropriate.

And it has led to some conflict between residents and golfers as well.
“They pee right in front of me and when we ask them to use the washroom, we get verbally abused,” Glaeden explained, noting that nothing is done by the course about that either.
While Glaeden admitted he knows the majority of golfers who pee on the course will do so respectfully, he said it’s “unfortunate” they have to go to this length to deal with the rest.
The hope from both sides of this issue is that the signs finally going up around the course, along with a little public awareness through this type of channel, can get the message across and prevent this from happening.