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VIDEO: Former patient pays back Kelowna Cancer Clinic, with interest

Eleven years ago, he relied on the BC Cancer Clinic in Kelowna when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Today, a healthy David Krysko showed his gratitude, in the form of a $2.7 million donation, the biggest in the clinic's 26-year history.

Krysko is enjoying good health today and he has the clinic to thank for that.

"My experience was really good here in this place and the treatment was, I think, second to none," said Krysko.

"It was as good as you could get here."

He's also seen others close to him, benefit from the facility.

<who> Photo Credit: KelownaNow </who> David Krysko, Philanthropist, cancer survivor

"And I thought this is something I can really invest in."

Dr. Islam Mohamed is an oncologist and researcher at the Kelowna clinic.

"I'm so grateful to him for doing that," said Dr. Mohamed.

"To see David express gratitude for returning to normalcy by trying to enable what we do here and advance the state of the art of what we're doing here, that's really inspiring."

<who> Dr. Islam Mohamed, Oncologist and researcher BC Cancer-Kelowna

The money will help create a new research and development hub at the clinic, the first of its kind in BC, outside of Vancouver.

The aim is to embark on new projects and clinical trials, with Kelowna as the hub.

"It allows us to attract clinical researchers," said Dr. Islam Mohamed, an oncologist and researcher at BC Cancer - Kelowna.

By focusing his donation on the research side, Krysko sees his donation as an investment, rather than as a gift.

"There's research going on, but this takes it to a whole new level," he said.

"I know that stuff will come from it. It's like planting a tree. And it will bring great outcomes for people that I've never even imagined."

Krysko's contribution follows the first gift to the new research hub earlier this year.

That was made in tribute to Shannon Gall who died from lung cancer.

Her husband Clayton continues her legacy as chair of the Interior Transformation Council, of the BC Cancer Foundation.

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