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VIDEO: Incumbent councillor Mohini Singh concerned about high-rises as she runs for re-election

Concerned about high-rises, yes, but incumbent city councillor Mohini's position on Kelowna's changing skyline is complicated.

In a city that is running out of places to build, Mohini Singh asks the rhetorical question. "Where else do we go but up?'

But the sheer number of sky-scraping developments on the books has her concerned.

"We need high rises, but how many is the question," said Singh. "I don't want to see Kelowna becoming a concrete jungle."

She was the first of the incumbent councillors to announce she would be seeking re-election in 2022.

Homelessness is a big issue and Singh said she's proud of all the previous council has been able to accomplish, but it's frustrating.

"It just doesn't seem to make a dent," she said.

Over the past few years, hundreds of people have been housed, but there are hundreds more who still need help.

"There's a lot of work yet to be done," she admits.

Singh has been on council for 11 years.

Her slogan: 'Your trusted voice.'

She's asking voters to trust her again for a fourth term.

The former broadcaster's mobility is somewhat diminished by a case of MS, but she remains enthusiastic about her role as a city councillor.

"I feel I want to roll up my sleeves and get to it."

Housing is supposed to be a provincial issue, but Singh said council has to continue to play a role "to make sure that our most vulnerable people are taken care of."

She understands that some see the efforts as a failure because the problems remain.

"While it may seem like problems persist, we are taking each problem head on," Singh said, "and doing our best to make a difference."

To check out all of the candidates, visit KelownaVotes 2022.

Voters go to the polls Oct. 15.

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