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VIDEO: People are loving Kelowna's newest park

Kelowna residents have had a few days to check out the city's newest waterfront park, and the reaction is overwhelmingly positive.

The new park can be found along Abbott Street near Cedar Avenue.

It's been just a few days since the official opening and it's already a hit.

Many people working in the Pandosy area took to the park to enjoy a break from the office on Monday.

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

"It's lovely," said Ashley Esplin. "A beautiful addition to the neighbourhood.

"I love it," added Victoria Marks. "I also live really close too so we're going to use it a lot."

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

"It's nice to have a new beach that's well put together in Kelowna," said Thomas Wells.

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

With temperatures rising, the misting station is proving popular, not just for people, but dogs too.

"She loves it," said Marianne Barker, while her dog enjoyed the cool fog. "She would lay here as long as I would let her."

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

Park visitors have noticed other thoughtful features, including a station where you can not only park your bike but make adjustments with some simple tools or pump up the tires.

The dock has facilities that make launching your kayak a breeze and it's set up for people with mobility challenges too.

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

There were a few criticisms offered up among park visitors.

Shade is hard to come by, and there isn't the children's play equipment that parents have come to expect.

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

"I think it's good," said Niaomi Maundrell. "But it would be nice if they had a few more of them down here that had stuff for kids too."

While the park features a fair bit of concrete, there are still some beach access points with some natural shade.

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

"It's lovely, the view is lovely and I love the pier," said Eileen Carter. "To be able to come down here and sit on the edge of the water like we are."

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

The park has been a long time coming.

The last property was acquired to build it 25 years ago.

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia

It's finally open now, but there are still some finishing touches on the way, including lighting and signage.

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