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VIDEO: Upgrades continue along Kelowna's signature beaches

City crews have been spending a lot of time on the beach these days.

Their efforts have been focused on improvements at both City Park and Waterfront Park.

At City Park, the work to create a more naturalized beach, and one that does a better job of retaining sand are now rounding the corner from Hot Sands Beach to Cold Sands Beach.

"This is a continuation of the erosion control measures that were done a few years back," explained Senior Project Manager Todd DeGruchy.

A combination of riprap, plantings and the placement of logs have created a new look, and it's now at an important stage.

<who> Photo Credit: KelownaNow

"This portion here is the most exposed to the wind and the waves from the north and the south, so we're doing work now at the point," he said.

"There are trees planted in behind as well so that root mass will hold that structure."

<who> Photo Credit: KelownaNow

The work includes the addition of more willow, trees, grasses and anchored logs.

In 2022 a new concrete promenade was added to the park, farther from the water with additional lighting and amenities.

<who> Photo Credit: City of Kelowna

Degruchy said people seem to like the new, more natural appearance along the beach.

"To my knowledge, there's been no really negative feedback," he said.

The project is closing in on the part of the park which used to be home to the historic aquatic centre.

<who> Photo Credit: Okanagan Heritage Museum

Just what's in store for that stretch of the waterfront is still in the planning stages.

"Not in this phase," explained DeGruchy.

"Phase 3 will be happening next year, so an extension of the promenade work through to Kerry Park. So it will be a big project next year."

<who> Photo Credit: KelownaNow

With the original island stage nearing the end of its service life, city staff worked with partners on the new design.

A main feature is more space for people to gather in front of the stage during performances.

<who> Photo Credit: City of Kelowna

The work re-envisions the area where the water is an accent rather than a dominant feature.

"We've filled in probably two-thirds of the lagoon," said DeGruchy.

"Now it's a concrete stage, stairs, accessibility ramps..."

<who> Photo Credit: KelownaNow

The original island stage was built over 30 years ago.

The new version will be available for visitors to the waterfront to enjoy this summer.

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