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WFN, RDCO working to create more inclusive governance structure

Westbank First Nation (WFN) and the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) are working together to overhaul the existing governance system.

Currently, the WFN board member has no voting power due to current provincial legislation that requires a nation to have a treaty with the province to fully participate in regional governments.

WFN is self-governing, which means that they do not have a treaty with the Province of BC and have indicated that they are not seeking one.

So, during the Thursday morning board meeting, the Regional Board was presented with a comprehensive paper that explores five potential models to create a more inclusive governance system in the Central Okanagan.

That includes the prospect of WFN becoming a full voting participant on the Regional Board.

<who> Photo Credit: RDCO </who> Loyal Wooldridge, Regional Board Chair, Dr. Tim Raybould, JWR Business Group, and Jordan Coble, RDCO Director and WFN Councillor, at the Community-to-Community Forum in September 2023.

"In pursuit of a more inclusive and collaborative regional governance, WFN and the RDCO are forging a path towards reconciliation,” says WFN Chief Robert Louie.

“WFN has developed one of the most comprehensive sets of community laws and one of the most advanced systems of participatory democracy in Canada, and together with RDCO, we now wish to see our participation at the regional level improved.”

Chief Louie adds that the “ground-breaking” journey illustrates the RDCO’s commitment to reconciliation.

A release from the two says the ideal governance structure would balance WFN’s right to participate in the decisions that impact them while still maintaining the First Nation’s government structure.

“The RDCO has an opportunity to advance reconciliation by reshaping local government systems that exist due to colonial practices,” says Loyal Wooldridge, Chair of the Regional Board.

“We recognize the importance of forging strong government-to-government relations, grounded in trust and truth, that enable this groundbreaking work.”

The initiative was made possible from a $45,000 Restructure Planning Grant program through BC’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs.

Next steps will see the RDCO and WFN meet with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, senior leaders and elected officials within their respective governments to consider a shared path forward.

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