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Man seriously hurt in BC avalanche, taken to hospital by rescue helicopter

A man has been seriously injured in an avalanche on Vancouver Island and required the rescue helicopter to fly him directly to hospital for treatment.

Metro Vancouver-based North Shore Rescue says in a social media post that the man was partially buried in a slide in the backcountry near the Mount Cain ski area on northern Vancouver Island on Sunday.

North Shore Rescue, which was asked to help, says the victim was hypothermic and had multiple injuries.

A crew from Metro Vancouver made their way in a helicopter, while local rescuers hiked to the victim, and both decided that the person needed to be taken to Vancouver General Hospital, 360 kilometres away, given the seriousness of his injuries.

North Shore Rescue says its helicopter landed at the hospital, giving the victim "immediate access" to trauma care and surgeons to treat his injuries.

Avalanche Canada confirmed the slide on its website, showing in a report that three people were in the group when the avalanche struck, and one person was "partly buried with impaired breathing."

North Shore Rescue says it was the first time one of its helicopters has been able to fly a victim directly to the helipad at Vancouver General Hospital after recently being granted that ability by health authorities.

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