West Kelowna council is expected to give third reading to a zoning application that, if successful, could see 401 residential units constructed behind Constable Neil Bruce Middle School.
On Tuesday, West Kelowna council will be reviewing a proposal for 2741 Auburn Road that has been circulating city hall since February 2023.
The applicant is looking to secure a new CD10 zone to facilitate five four-storey buildings.
“A cost sharing proposal, which proposed a 50% cost share between the City and the developer for approximately $1.7 million of off-site improvements based on a preliminary estimate, was then brought to Council on September 26, 2023, and second reading was given,” a staff report says, however those numbers have changed.
Most recently, the city held a public hearing for the proposal in early December 2023.
Council was addressed by 17 members of the public and received 15 written submissions, six late submissions, including three petitions with 271, 36 and 100 signatures, the report says.
On Monday, city councillors will be going over the questions raised during that public hearing.
City staff say a preliminary geotechnical report confirming “general feasibility” was provided and more detailed geotechnical considerations are considered at the development permit stage.
A preliminary environmental report was also provided, which showed highly sensitive and moderately sensitive areas were located within the proposed parks and open space while the actual development area was found to have primarily low environmental sensitivity.
According to the staff report, a Sensitive Terrestrial Ecosystem Development Permit is required, as well as more detailed environmental reporting, at time of future development.
The city recommends a second emergency egress be built given the number of proposed units.
As for one of the biggest concerns for both citizens and councillors, which is transportation and road improvements, staff say the city’s Transportation Master Plan (2014) and an updated 2024 plan identify the extension of Auburn Road to Bartley Road as a potential road connection.
However, this would require road connection, land acquisition, feasibility and functional design studies.
According to the report, the developer is now proposing $1,812,261 for their share of off-site improvements, which means the city would be left to pay just over $815,500.
Staff recommend that road safety improvements, both phase one and phase two, should happen together.
“As a result, staff propose a covenant be placed on the subject property that the lands are not to be built on or subdivided until the required traffic improvements have been completed,” the report says, adding that the developer has agreed to remove the phasing approach.
During this week’s meeting, West Kelowna councillors will be asked to give the zoning third reading.
Before the zoning bylaw amendments can be adopted, the proposal will need approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, discharge of a previous covenant that restricted development to 220 dwelling units and several other conditions.
However, West Kelowna City council will also be given an option to postpone consideration of the application or deny it entirely.
They will make their decision during the Tuesday meeting, which begins at 6 pm.