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Your Voice: Kelowna is not a viable city for bike riding

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Dear Editor,

Our council is so drunk on their morality that they live in an alternative reality.

This statement is easily understood and 100% true. When vehicles sit and idle while driving on Kelowna's inadequate roads they produce more pollution.

The city has decided to prioritize bike lanes. How much pollution was caused by having Leckie closed, causing vehicles to drive farther and idle more? I can guarantee you it will take hundreds of years of bike riding to offset the carbon emissions.

It is so plainly obvious that you have to be living in an alternate reality to not understand that simple fact.

Kelowna is not a viable city for bike riding. Four-six months of the year the weather is not ideal. Many of our neighbourhoods are built on mountains and people don’t ride bikes up mountains.

<who> Photo credit: City of Kelowna

Let’s talk about Ballou road. Another waste of tax payer money. The road was made considerably worse and unsafe for vehicles by adding the bike lanes. The delays to traffic offset any gains made by bike riding. My vehicle barely fits on the road now and making left hand turns are much harder and dangerous to perform due to the road changes.

The continued failure of the city to address actual traffic improvements is unacceptable. 99% of us rely on our vehicles daily and deserve the best service possible from our roadways.

Fix the roads first. Taxes are collected from all parts of government to ensure roadways remain viable.

I can’t help but mention how many new residential buildings are being built but you do NOTHING to address the traffic congestion this will create. More drunken morality will not fix any of the traffic nightmare that the city has created.

How often does anyone on the council ride their bikes to work or get groceries or take their kids to activities?

Council is drunk on their own morality and it’s time to sober up.

Cory Macdonald


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