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In Focus | Scott Stewart

Meet Scott Stewart. This fishing enthusiast has lived in Prince George in 1974!

Who is your favourite person to spend time with and why?
My favorite person to spend time with is my daughter Karis. She makes me smile and laugh so much. I love the amazement in her eyes when I teach her stuff for the first time.

What is your favourite local store in Prince George and why?
My favorite local store would have to be Princess Auto. I am a bodger by nature and I love to make, fix or create things from scratch. That place usually has what I'm looking for.

Describe yourself in one word.

If you could go anywhere in the world right at this moment where would you go and why?
I would head to Boca Grand Florida to catch the tail end of the Tarpon fishing.

What is your favourite activity in Prince George?

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
Lost my board shorts body surfing in Costa Rica.

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you?
After many years of filming and editing my reelistic Outdoors to have positive feedback from the views or getting to sign an autograph for a youngster interested in fishing. That was a nice memory that has inspired me to do more and better.

Tell us your favourite childhood memory.
When I was young I had already gained the addiction to fishing and my mom used to drive me to a lake an hour out of town and leave me there to camp and fish for the weekends. Learning nature and discovering new techniques for fishing was a passion from as long as I can remember. Most of these weekends could easily be my favorite memories.

Where do you volunteer or give back to in the community?
Although I was a member of the Spruce City Wildlife Association for years until I volunteered my services to the military, I have recently become a member again and we have been using our skills with social media to help promote and get more very needed members. The SCWA organization is a non-profit group in the Prince George area who have successfully protected wildlife, wildlife corridors, etc over the past 40 years.
They also run a Hatchery on the Fraser River. A very positive group of individuals making a difference.

If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
Man that is a loaded question, so much to choose from but if I stick to my core beliefs it would be to find a way to clean up our streams and waterways to help protect and maintain the fisheries so that my kids and their kids can experience the fishing the way my father and grandfather did.

Where would you sneak away to in Prince George to spend some time alone?
There is no direct specific spot but it would be one of our many waterways to dip a line and consider life and upcoming decisions.

Where would you like to see positive change in Prince George and why?
I would love to see people from PG shop local more. With the online world, we tend to just click our shopping habits to save five bucks. Meanwhile, good stores are not making ends meet and are leaving the town with empty storefronts that cant be afforded.

What do you think makes Prince George great?
I love that there are jobs in this town that are decent well-paying jobs and that we are a decent size nestled right up into the middle of nowhere.

What are 3 things on your bucket list?
1.) To air Reelistic Outdoors on prime time with great success

2.) To see my kids with degrees and careers of their own and happy

3.) Retire. I totally want to do that before I

Tell us something that not everyone may know about you.
I am quite afraid of water. I had a near-death drowning experience in my mid 20's and have had a high respect for it ever since.

How do people connect with you, personally, through social media? (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.)
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

What is the name of your business/organization?
Reelistic Outdoors.

Why did you get into/start this business?
Someone once told me that a picture was worth a thousand words so I thought a video much be the jackpot.

What is the goal of your business?
To fish, film and have fun whilst bringing my viewers along for the journey. We are currently a not-for-profit but next year will be registering the business.

What has been your biggest struggle either in work or life?
Time. There is never enough of it. I am running so many things its hard at it till late every night.

If you could start all over again would you do things the same or would things be different?
I have thought about this in detail. There was a major crossroad in my life and I am 100 percent would have been the better choice but what is the chance I wouldn't have ended up with my incredible family. So no I would stay the course.

What do you always find yourself saying?
OMG it's bedtime already.

Tell us your best piece of life advice
Stop putting it off. I'm not even kidding. Try having a me day. I did and it changed my life. It turned into a week and a month. Soon I realized I had been living for everyone else and they had begun to expect it. Now life is so amazing.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
Sir Richard Branson, investor and philanthropist that owns over 400 companies. I would have much to learn and ask for only a one day visit.

Why do you think it is important to shop locally?
these people live and support locally. The money they make here helps everyone. It's nice to have a place to go talk about your purchase.

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
Saving lives while I was in the Navy. Many many times we rescued sinking boats and helped with one of the largest drug seizures coming into the country.

Give someone you think that deserves it a shout out and explain why!
Dwayne Akehurst. He is my camera guy and without him, I would still be trying to do this alone. He helped me take Reelistic Outdoors to the next level.

My choice for the PrinceGeorgeNow In Focus spotlight is:
Allan Fox from Glacier Glass.

Some general comments I would like to share are:
Prince George has been my rock. By this I mean I always come back to it. There is something about PG. The people and nearby places. The people of Prince George have helped me to where I am today and I am thankful. Thank you all who watch my show the viewership really means a lot to me. If you haven't seen my show make sure you get a chance to have a look around there is a video to suit everyone. On my FB page, we answer all questions fishing related. If your new to it and need some pointers or have been at it awhile. There is always someone there to help you with your questions. THANK YOU, PRINCE GEORGE.

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In Focus is our gift to the community. A way for us to help show our recognition of the people, businesses, and organizations that help make our city great. Thank you, Prince George!

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