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That’s a wrap on Kelowna Santas 2021, and thanks to you, it was a huge success

As our 9th year of collecting and delivering donated gifts to families in need wraps up, all of us at Kelowna Santas want to extend an enormous thank you to our sponsors, donors, supporters and volunteers. Without you, this initiative would simply not be possible.

Thank you for everything you did and all that you gave to make it possible for us to deliver 2000 gifts to 310 families for over 700 children to open on Christmas morning this year.

Thank you to the businesses that supported Kelowna Santas this year

Kelowna Toyota

In addition to being our 2021 presenting sponsor, Kelowna Toyota also made a generous $5,000 donation to Kelowna Santas to purchase toys for children in need.


Thank you for being extremely kind. The TD team donated $5000 to Kelowna Santas to help make a difference this holiday season. Plus, all of their Kelowna branches were drop locations for donations.


Along with their impeccably designed Kelowna Santas DropBox Sponsorship, Secure-Rite donated $1000 to help buy gifts for families in need.

Mission Group

Mission Group sponsored 50 families this year and also donated their time to help wrap and deliver gifts.

Ideon Packaging

Ideon Packaging donated all the drop boxes for Kelowna Santas this year, making it easy for businesses to help collect donations!

Total Restoration Services Inc.

Total Restoration Services was a tremendous help to Kelowna Santas by helping us to collect and transport all the drop boxes from the drop locations after the donation period ended.

Doris Major and Kelowna Calligraphers

As a longtime contributor, Doris Major and the team at Kelowna Calligraphers generously put in countless hours to hand-make Santa's gift cards for each and every present! The personal touch they provided will surely make each child feel like their presents came straight from the North Pole!

Bondslaves Motorcycle Club - Okanagan

For the last 5 years, Bondslaves Motorcycle Club has been donating to Kelowna Santas. Thank you for donating toys and for raising $932.50 to help us buy more gifts for more local children.

East Meets West Children’s Foundation

Thank you to East Meets West Children’s Foundation for their $500 donation. Your generosity helped us to ensure we had enough gifts for all the registered families in need this year!

d6 Print Studio

Thank you to d6 Print Studio for opening the bay doors and donating your space so we could have a place to sort, organize and store gifts and drop boxes. Your help is always truly appreciated!

KelownaNow community

To our KelownaNow readers, thank you for keeping your attention with us and for sharing Kelowna Santas with your friends and family.

To our team of journalists, creatives, writers, sales support and more, we thank you for promoting, donating and assisting where you could when called upon.

Drop locations

A huge thank you to each and every business that volunteered as a drop location this year. Your help in gathering donations from all over town ensured we received as many toys and gifts as possible for children in need!

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