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Don’t overthink it. Just say yes.

Work hard, take chances and never pass up an opportunity to grow and learn. According to Pamela Pearson, that has helped her to live a challenging and fulfilling life.

“I didn’t set out to be a community leader or a director at an automotive company or the chair of any committee,” says Pamela. “But I am the kind of person who always gives everything 110%, and that has consistently opened up opportunities for me.”

While she may not have planned on it, Pamela has certainly become a recognizable leader in the community. She is the current President of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce, the Director of Operations of Sentes Automotive and a previous Chair of the BC Cancer Foundation’s Discovery Luncheon Committee.

“Each time one of these opportunities came along, my impulse was to say no way!” she laughs. “I always felt like I didn’t have the required experience or knowledge, but I knew that each opportunity was a chance to learn and give back.”

Learning new skills or jobs isn’t easy, but Pamela says there is a lot of power in putting yourself out there, even when it feels scary or uncomfortable.

“It’s ok not to be good at something and do it anyway,” she says. “The only way you’re going to improve and grow is by saying yes to new opportunities, making mistakes and learning as you go.”

In fact, one of Pamela’s mottos in life is “just say yes.”

“It’s easy to stay settled in your comfort zone, and I think a lot of people turn down opportunities because they are afraid of failure,” Pamela says. “But I believe you either win or you learn—there is no failure if you approach life that way.”

As her tenure with the Chamber of Commerce comes to an end, Pamela is ready to open her arms to the next big opportunity—even if she doesn’t know what that is yet.

“I started as a farm girl from a small town in the Kootenays—I never could have imagined I’d be where I am today,” she reflects. “I probably can’t imagine now what I’ll be up to in five years, but I’m ready to just say yes to the next opportunity.”

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