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What's in Your Wallet?

So what’s in your wallet?

Ok people time to get on my soap box, I looked in my wallet this morning and guess what I found? No money, and more cards then I can count. How did all of this happen? We now need cards for gas, food, prescriptions, coffee, clothing, the gym, travel rewards and the list goes on. I am not talking about credit cards I am talking about membership, loyalty cards, discounts etc.

When they ask you to sign up for all that they offer, they take all your personal information and the card is given to you as a convenience; you shop, they swipe and all is right with the world. Some places encourage their employees to greet you by name, I must admit I do like that; the problem I have is all the “plastic” we are packing around. They say they need to give you the card so it’s easier when you come and shop or use their services. The ironic part is this some of the places will just enter your telephone number if you forget your card.

Who has designed a wallet big enough to house all this plastic? I bet that there are chiropractors out there who are in heaven because so many people are out of align due to the fact they are heavier on one side because of the number of cards they are packing.

The other annoying thing that happens is when you are in a line up and the person in front of you can’t find their card. It’s not because they are disorganized it’s just they have too many freaking cards to rifle through. I consider myself an organized individual but how the heck do you keep up with keeping them all prearranged. The logical thing would be to arrange them alphabetically. Okay, this is a great system until you get a new card!

So I am looking for solutions for “cardgate” if anyone has suggestions I would love to hear them. I know that with the use of technology we can take a photo with our iPhones of the QR codes, but what about the individuals who are not tech savvy?

I do love discounts, being a valued customer, and getting deals but I am not sure all of these plastic cards are the solution. So please tell me your opinion on this issue, the best part is you don’t need a card to email me.

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