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New plans submitted for 99-unit development on contentious Kettle Valley property

A developer has submitted a new rezoning application at city hall for a proposed 99-unit housing development in Kettle Valley.

On behalf of Kettle Valley Holdings, Placemark Design Studio Inc. is also requesting amendments to the Official Community Plan to allow for the large project which would see a variety of single family homes, duplexse and townhomes constructed at 410 Providence Avenue.

The 14 acre vacant lot next to Quilchena Park has a future land designation and zoning of educational/industrial.

The developer would like to change the land designation to suburban residential, suburban multiple unit and park and open spaces.

Additionally, they are seeking to rezone the property to large, medium and small lot housing as well as townhouse housing and parks and open space.

<who> Photo Credit: Placemark Design Studio Inc.

Development proposals for this lot have been coming and going for years, as far back as 2016. However, backlash from the community about using designated school land for housing has halted any progress.

The lot was originally designated as a high school in 1996 but School District 23 walked away from the property, citing that they were not interested in building a school in the area.

The developers say the design process for The Legacy Neighbourhood has been ongoing since 2020 and in 2021, city council directed Kettle Valley Holdings to undertake additional public engagement before they would consider the proposal.

Following the 2021 decision, the company hosted several engagement events in late 2021 and early 2022.

<who> Photo Credit: Placemark Design Studio Inc.`

In the extensive 71-page application, the applicant says this project would be the final step in completing Kettle Valley’s core neighbourhood.

“Kettle Valley is nearing its full build out 25 years after the approval of the initial Masterplan and establishment of the CD-2 Zone,” says the application.

“Reimagining the former school site, the Legacy Neighbourhood is the final residential phase within the core of Kettle Valley offering expanded public parkland and recreational amenities – from full-size sports field to community pavilion – along with a range of home options to meet the needs of the community.”

The Kettle Valley CD-2 zone designates a total development of 1,028 homes. However, design plans show only 99 homes with 50% of the site decided as park, including the construction of a soccer field, pavilion and walking trails. This was a recurring request from the public feedback.

This application was only submitted on Jan. 9 and could require additional information before city staff circulate the application and forward it to council for consideration.

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