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Changes Made to BC Music Festival Liquor Regulations

Festival goers in British Columbia are expected to benefit from a series of new guidelines and safety measures, including new liquor licensing regulations that allow the consumption of liquor without the use of beer-garden fences.

“Our planning resources for organizers and the liquor changes we’ve made, such as bringing down beer garden fences so families can enjoy festival grounds together, are benefiting communities, attracting tourists, promoting arts and culture, and helping to grow B.C.’s economy. Keeping tourists and British Columbians safe at festivals is a priority for our government. We have learned from challenges experienced at previous events and are taking steps to achieve safer events where the focus is on a memorable and fun experience,” said Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton.

Festivals such as Rock the Shores and the Vancouver’s Rio Tinto Alcan Dragon Boat Festival will be taking advantage of whole-site liquor licensing, allowing festival goers to roam throughout the festival grounds with their alcoholic beverages, rather than being restricted behind beer-garden fencing.

“These changes for liquor licensing have been more successful than I think everyone ever imagined - and this was an important move for B.C. as a destination festival market. It’s really worked well. It’s cutting down the binge drinking which can create problems and helping to deter underage drinking - we’re seeing more responsibility from people with more of a family atmosphere. And while there might be a slight decline in overall sales, it’s worth it as a trade-off for more public safety. Continued public education on staying safe and being responsible is important,” said Rock the Shores-Atomique Productions Ltd. director Nick Blasko.

Pemberton Music Festival is one of the many festivals that will implement the new B.C. Major Planned Events Guidelines, which provide advice and guidance on things like alternate evacuation routes, and proper supports for emergency management, public health, policing, fire, and emergency health care.

In addition, Pemberton organizers are also providing onsite drug counsellors to educate, answer questions, and assist in treatment if required.

According to the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, between June and August 2014, at least five young adults died while attending Canadian music festivals, and many more individuals were treated on site or admitted to hospital.

In 2015, around 95 per cent of all events qualify for whole-site liquor licensing at the provincial level, based on having adequate safety measures in place.

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