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In Focus | Monique Ducharme-Pullen of Purityoga

In Focus is our gift to the community. A way for us to help show our recognition for the people, businesses and organizations that help make our city great. The team at is passionate about this community and the people that make it amazing. We want to show our friends, neighbours, family and colleagues that we notice them and the fabulous things that they do.

What is your name?
Monique Ducharme-Pullen

What do you always find yourself saying?
Besides my husband’s name in vain! I am blessed

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select and why?
Ryan Gosling, because what woman in her right mind wouldn’t want to and for the obvious reasons of course

If you were to receive any existing public award, what award would you like to win?
Well its not really an award but it very well should be because I know a lot of deserving nominees - “MOTHER OF THE YEAR”

If you could spend a day with any historical figure, who would you choose and why?
Mother Theresa - because her life work was spent being of service to others and teaching others how to care for those not able to care for themselves.

Who inspires you?
Our three children, Katlyn, Drexler & Tyson, each in their own individual way. They are a bit older now and I have loved and will continue to love watching their growth into adulthood.

What are three things on your bucket list?
I wish to say I had a bucket list, I don’t. Each day takes me to a place I have never been or ever thought I could possibly go, perhaps my list will get full again but for now everything has been checked off.

If you had an enormous yacht, what would you name it?
That’s easy: Namaste

If you could foresee a single day of your future in its entirety, what date would you select?
September 2/2017 - the day our daughter gets married, it’s been a long time coming, her and her fiancé had been together for eight years and he finally popped the question this past Christmas day.

What are you passionate about?
Besides yoga? I am passionate about making yoga accessible to all, teaching however and whenever I can bring to places where it’s not been before. I also love the outdoors, hiking with our pup; recently I took up golf again and found that I really enjoyed it so hopefully play more this year. We live on a Golf Course in Black Mountain so it only makes sense that I should.

What has been your favourite day of your life, up to this point?
The day I met my life partner, Mike, every day is an adventure that we keep on living together

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
Our children, and 26 years together with Mike

Where is your favourite place to dine in Kelowna? What do you like about it?
We absolutely love Mamma Rosa’s restaurant (not just because our lovely Katlyn works there) but because it’s a staple in Kelowna. Food is fresh, authentic Italian; always steaming hot when you get it, never had a bad meal or bad service. Best Italian restaurant in Kelowna!

What is your favourite activity or event in Kelowna? Why?
Besides drinking wine on a patio in the summertime? I have run the Okanagan Marathon too many times and keep going back to do it again (a great way to see the waterfront if you want to die trying). Last year I did the Trestle Ride with a couple of girlfriends, I had never biked that far so sure why not sign up for a 80km bike ride??? It was a great way to see the valley and even experience a few wineries on your way into the finish line. Please, tell us a bit about your business or organization. Please be as detailed as possible, because inquiring minds want to know!

What is the name of your business/organization?

What does your business/organization do?
YOGA - I have a small studio where I teach classes - four nights a week - Purityoga (Black Mountain area), I also recently joined Moksha Kelowna where I teach a Kids yoga class once a week and I teach to cancer patients at Inspire Health. If you work at KGH we have started a yoga series -”care for the caregiver” offered only to KGH employees at KGH.

Where can people find you or your business online?

Where can people find your business on Facebook?

What is your Twitter account?

What is your mission?
As I mentioned before my goal is to bring awareness to the benefits of yoga and make it accessible to people of all dimensions, ages, and social status.

If you could achieve one thing within your field, what would it be?
Simply put.....peace

Where do you want your business/organization to be in five years?
Teaching others to see the gift inside and guiding them to share the gift as it was shared to me, either through teacher trainings or being of service in my community (Kelowna)

Who do you consider to be a forerunner within your field?
There are no forerunners in this field, it is filled with so many great offerings, everywhere you look there is opportunity to take a class, find a workshop, retreat yourself, go deeper and take training. To me it’s the experience and Kelowna has a lot of yoga to experience.

What three qualities do you feel that your business/organization exemplifies?
My Mantra is powerful compassionate service; these words are the qualities that I bring to my classes and my life

What would you like to say to your teachers/students?

How does your business/organization impact the community?
I’m not sure that I impact my community, more so my community impacts me, it drives me to create, and learn which in turn I bring back to my community.

If I could change one thing about Kelowna, it would be:
Given that I love the summers in Kelowna, I would have to say longer summers, shorter winters. The winters are pretty special too but at my age I love the warmth and the hustle and bustle of Kelowna in the summer.

What do you think makes Kelowna great?
The lake, the people, the sunsets, and the wine

My choice for the Kelowna In Focus spotlight is:
Tyrell Griffith - Golf Pro at Black Mountain Golf Course

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