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In Focus | Jennifer Leach-Trask

Meet Jennifer, she has lived in Kelowna for 23 years. She is passionate about making businesses and their brands be the best that they can be. When she isn't whipping up a clever and creative branding campaign, she volunteers in the swimming community.

Where are you from and how long have you lived in Kelowna?
I am from Ontario and I have lived in Kelowna for 23 years.

Who is your favourite person to spend time with and why?
I love to spend time with my husband Grant, our son Zach, our daughter Vanessa and our amazing 5 year old grandson Dax.

What is your favourite local store in Kelowna and why?
I have several but I really like Blue Ginger on Pandosy. It is great for cards and gifts for friends.

Describe yourself in one word.

If you could go anywhere in the world right at this moment where would you go and why?
I would go back to Fiji..I love the people and the incredible tropical settings.

What is your favourite activity in Kelowna?
Open Water swimming at Gyro and other locations.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
Do I really have to share this? hmm... I left a restroom once with my dress tucked in to my hose. That was mortifying. Luckily I didn't get to far before a kind person let me know.

What is the most inspiring thing that has happened to you?
I have been inspired by so many people and so many situations throughout my life. I think the most recent thing that has inspired me is writing and speaking. I am writing on several platforms where other writers express their support and differing points of view. I find that I am continually learning how to improve my writing. On the speaking side, I speak on several topics with my business related to Professional Image, First Impressions, The Entrepreneurial Tightrope and I have added Mental Health to my list.

Tell us your favourite childhood memory.
I was raised in a very remote northern village where every day as a kid was a big adventure. We did alot of cross country skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, and rigged up some crazy snow sailing on the local lake. Summers were just as fun.

Where do you volunteer or give back to in the community?
I volunteer with the Interior Savings Across the Lake and Rattlesnake Island Swims. I also host an annual memorial Swim for Eli at Gellatly Bay. I also volunteer for my swim club the Okanagan Masters Swim Club. I spend time supporting events at the Y Okanagan and Okanagan Mental Health Services.

If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
Starvation and Homelessness.

Where would you sneak away to in Kelowna to spend some time alone?
If I tell you, everyone will know :) I have a few spots where I like to walk and swim that are off the beaten track.

Where would you like to see positive change in Kelowna and why?
I would like to add my voice to help break the stigma of mental illness in Kelowna and help those at risk to seek help. I think Kelowna has made some great inroads in improving homelessness and hunger and I would like to see those efforts and initiatives continued. I would like to see Kelowna recognized as the healthiest city in the Province if we aren't already and I would like to give a special shout out to the Y Okanagan for their tireless work and dedication to provide access to everyone to become healthy, happy and fit. I wholeheartedly support Kelowna's 2040 vision to be a welcoming community where lifestyle and economic opportunities are available to everyone.

What do you think makes Kelowna great?
Our lakes, orchards, wineries, climate, diversity, and progressive outlook.

What are 3 things on your bucket list?
I would like to try skydiving and wind surfing. I would like to travel for an extended period and I would like to write a few books. Most of all I would like to continue to be present, mindful and grateful for the abundance in my life.

Tell us something that not everyone may know about you.
I like to dress up ?
That'ss a joke.

How do people connect with you, personally, through social media?
I am on all social media platforms with my business. www.Jennifergrantinternational

What is the name of your business/organization?
Jennifer Grant International.

Why did you get into/start this business?
I have a passion for helping people to enhance their image and advance their success.

What is the goal of your business?
The goal of my business is to help one person at a time to recognize their true strengths and talents.

What has been your biggest struggle either at work or in life?
Finding balance between my various passions.

If you could start all over again would you do things the same or would things be different?
I would do the very same thing.

What do you always find yourself saying?
Whats the worst that could happen.

Tell us your best piece of life advice.
You are much stronger than you think you are and don't ever give up on yourself or your dreams.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The Notorious RBG.

Why do you think it is important to shop locally?
Owning and operating a small business is incredibly hard work...I support as many local businesses as I possibly can.

What has been your proudest accomplishment?
My children.

Give someone you think that deserves it a shout out and explain why!
I would like to give a shout out to Peter Rudd the race director for the Interior Across the Lake Swim. Peter has been volunteering for many years in this capacity and he is completed devoted and passionate on helping young children to learn how to swim.

My choice for the KelownaNow In Focus spotlight is:
Peter Rudd

Some general comments I would like to share are:
I appreciate the opportunity to be featured in It is a great honour and privilege to share with so many people deserving of recognition and appreciation. Thank you.

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