Integrated Solar Solutions Ltd. is your go-to solar contractor for residential, commercial and industrial applications.
“I love solar because it is the perfect combination of doing something right for the planet and it just makes sense financially,” says Integrated Solar Solutions founder and president Jeremy Levee.
Integrated Solar Solutions Ltd., designs the most efficient system possible given the size of your home and the layout of your roof.
The ultimate goal is to say bye-bye to your electricity bills and hello to a net-zero house.
A typical residential installation can vary from $10,000 to $50,000 depending on the size of the system and the difficulty of installation.
But, in many cases, the system will pay for itself over 10 years via the 0% interest loan from the federal government, $5,000 federal rebate and the fact that FortisBC and BCHydro now offer net-metering.
“It’s very affordable to get into and then the money savings and reduction of carbon footprint lasts forever,” says Jeremy.
Why use Integrated over any other solar company?
Integrated is a family business with integrity that always puts the customer first.
And, it backs up that mantra with quality installations using only the best materials.
“Our typical client right now is a homeowner aged 40 or more who owns a single family home, townhouse or acreage and business owners with larger commercial buildings,” explains Jeremy.
“More businesses of all sizes need to take advantage of the 30% solar investment tax credit (ITC) available from the government. Solar is a no brainer for medium-and-large-size businesses.”
Jeremy strongly believes every building will have solar panels eventually.
“It just makes sense,” he says.
“With the way things are going with the whole electrification movement (Tesla, anyone?) makes it inevitable. If you look around at all the unused roof space out there, the potential is endless. Let’s utilize that real estate and turn it into clean power generating facilities.”
Lastly, we have to mention that some people are hesitant to go solar because the panels aesthetically disrupt the roofline.
“Looks are subjective,” says Jeremy.
“Actually, the presence of solar panels means you’re going green and saving money. Your neighbours will think it looks good and want a solar system, too.”