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First soil lab in BC opens to winemakers, farmers, orchardists and researchers

When most people think of wine, they imagine winemakers hand harvesting grapes, large jugs of wine being funneled into bottles, and consumers like themselves walking through scenic vineyards with ripe grapes hanging off vines. In reality, the wine industry, especially winemaking, is very complex and largely dependent on cutting-edge technology that has helped optimize every aspect of the production process.

<who> Photo Contributed by Frind Lab Services

Improve your winemaking process today with Frind Lab Services, a BC VQA certified lab that offers an extensive array of testing services for breweries, cideries and even at home winemakers/brewers. They have state of the art instrumentation that provides accurate and consistent results with only 30 minute turnaround times, to make your testing process more convenient than ever!

Using a new ICP-OES, Frind Lab Services can measure a wide array of elements, so you can easily receive precise and accurate information about the nutrient levels, heavy metal concentration and single element composition of your plants and soils.

<who> Photo Contributed by Frind Lab Services

Soil Services

Many agriculture managers test their soil before and after planting to ensure the soil is adequately fertile and there are no harmful chemical imbalances in its properties. This is an extremely important part of the process as it builds a strong foundation for your plants to perform as well as possible!

For more insight about the properties of your soil, you can take advantage of various soil packages or specific services including tests on soil moisture content, organic matter composition and pH. Additionally, If you suspect your soil quality may be subpar, you're now able to receive valuable information about concentrations of manganese, zinc, nitrogen, carbon and many other elements essential to soil fertility!

<who> Photo Contributed by Frind Lab Services

Water Services

Irrigation water quality is often overlooked when considering factors that contribute to poor plant growth. But it’s never been easier to put that worry to rest because for as little as $20 you can have your irrigation water tested and receive valuable insights on its chemical composition including chloride levels, pH, dissolved solids, and much more.

<who> Photo Contributed by Frind Lab Services

Grape Maturity Services

There are many intricacies in winemaking, one of which is determining grape maturity, this may be one of the most important decisions a winemaker makes. Harvesting grapes at the right time is essential to producing a fine and delicious wine, but the process often relies on a mixture of age-old best practices, tasting, consultation and testing.

Fortunately, Frind Lab Services offers a modern solution to this age old mystery with their sugar per berry panel or a grape maturity panel which includes Dyostem® with brix, glucose, fructose, malic acid, pH and TA testing.

<who> Photo Contributed by Frind Lab Services

Routine Services & Packages

Build up a comprehensive database and ensure you stay on the right track by regularly taking advantage of Frind Lab Services’ routine services which can include testing alcohol, sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), free and total sulfur dioxide, acidity, and many other factors.

Frind Lab Services also offers a handful of convenient packages including the BC VQA Certification, secondary fermentation, various juice/wine analysis packages and a monthly maintenance package!

This service is also valuable and available to any agricultural manager or home horticulturist. If you require services that are not listed on their website, don’t hesitate to reach out as Frind Lab Services is happy to accommodate you!

<who> Photo Contributed by Frind Lab Services

Improve your agricultural process today

To submit samples to the lab download and fill out their order form and email it to

Need results quickly? Make sure to drop off your samples before 3 pm for same day results.

If you’re a winemaker or brewer looking to optimize your process, reach out to Frind Lab Services today!

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