After concerns were raised by a Kelowna city councillor, council will once again be considering the future of a golf course located at 480 Penno Road.
During the regular meeting on July 25, council members received a report from city staff about the future land use designation rationale for the Kelowna Springs Golf Course.
Under the Official Community Plan, the property is designated for future industrial land uses.
However, councillor Luke Stack voiced his opposition to this land designation.
“One by one, (golf courses) are being converted to other uses. Cumulatively, the loss is significant and is now to the point that I believe it is negatively affecting the quality of life of our citizens,” stated Stack during the July 25 meeting.
Kelowna Springs Golf Course is located in the Gateway District, which is an area full of industrial land uses and some agricultural land to the north and east.
During that meeting, councillor Stack proposed an amendment to the OCP that would see the golf course’s future land uses be designated as private recreational space.
City council voted 4-3 in support of the motion. Mayor Colin Basran and councillors Ryan Donn and Loyal Wooldridge were opposed. Councillor Gail Given was not present and councillor Brad Sieben excused himself from that discussion.
Currently, the park is zoned as P3 Parks and Open Space, however, the city predicts an increased need for industrial space in the future.
Normally, a change to the future land use designation would require public notification before first reading, including notice signs, neighbourhood consultation and a public information session.
However, city staff recommend that council waive this pre-first reading consultation requirement because the proposal has “garnered early public engagement, numerous media stories, and significant public correspondence including a letter from the property owner.”
Kelowna City Council will once again be debating this topic during the regular meeting scheduled for Monday, Aug. 22 at 1:30 pm.