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Fight to save Kelowna Springs Golf Course continues on Monday with Stack's latest resolution

The battle to save Kelowna Springs Golf Course continues next week.

Councillor Luke Stack will be bringing forward his latest resolution on Monday, which asks council to reconsider the bylaw amendment that was made to 480 Penno Road.

Stack wants to see the golf course’s future land designation changed back to private recreational.

He originally put forward a motion in August 2022 to prevent the land use designation being changed industrial.

However, Kelowna City Council voted 4-4 on the motion which defeated Stack’s proposal and the property's land uses were changed.

Councillor Stack voiced his intention of bringing the issue back to council chambers in January of this year.

According to the draft resolution, the 106 acre property has been designated for private recreational uses since the late 1980s and has become a popular, well designed and well loved golf course.

<who> Photo Credit: Kelowna Springs Golf Course

After the property’s land use was changed to industrial, Stack said he heard “extensively” from the public on the issue.

A few of the reasons behind Stack’s resolution include strong public support to keep the property as a designated recreational area.

“Large, flat, walkable green space is in limited supply within the City of Kelowna,” states the motion.

“This property adds to the health and wellness of many Kelowna residents.”

The draft resolution also points to the natural springs that feed the golf course’s ponds, the proximity to the nearby Ackland Pond wetland and the fact that the golf course contributes to the tourism sector in the city.

“Year after year we hear how we are losing natural green space across the continent. The continuous loss of open green space is negatively affecting the quality-of-life Kelowna residents and visitors enjoy,” says Stack’s document.

“Both citizens, visitors and wildlife in the area will benefit more from private recreational space than they will from industrial factories and warehouses.”

On a final note, Stack says he recognizes that the property is privately held and the decision to keep the golf course will be the property owners’ decision, however, he hopes it will continue operating as such.

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