VIDEO: Gail Given seeks re-election based on how she does the job
While some candidates run on agenda, Gail Given is seeking re-election based on how she does the job.
Given says she knows the policies council has set for staff, she understands the materials before council and she votes in the best interest of residents as a whole.
"I typically don't run on any one issue or one platform," said Given. "I've always promoted a way of governing."
She said a councillor needs to be balanced and willing to put in the work and do all the reading to be prepared for the job in council chambers.
And she says the job requires consistency on policy.
"If you say yes to something in one policy document that that is what will guide you in the next decision," explained Given.
She said it's council's job to respect the professional advice of staff, balanced with the perspectives of the community.
"It is all about balance."
A number of candidates in this election race have been touting the idea of a ward system, where voters elect someone to represent separate neighbourhoods.
Given is not a fan.
"Ward systems can be very divisive," she said, "And more about pitting neighbourhood against neighbourhood."
On the issue of homelessness, Given admits she's frustrated.
"All of the effort and the money that we have put toward the matter hasn't appreciably changed the face of our streets," she said.
She points out that it's not just a Kelowna problem.
"There's multiple agencies that have to come to the table on this and more housing, period, is required."
Given is generally supportive of high-rise development.
"Kelowna has a very small land base," she said.
"Density in the right locations is important. We have to do it or we'll sprawl up the hillsides and create a community that's even more car-oriented than we already are."
Some have suggested high-rises have been popping up without a plan.
"Well we do have a downtown height maps plan," she points out, adding that council is looking at some revisions to it.
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