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‘The difference between life and death’: Boating safety tips from Transport Canada

“Wear your life jackets.”

It is a simple message and it is one that Transport Canada boating safety officer Breanne Muir shared multiple times when discussing watercraft safety with NowMedia.

“When we look at the incidents that are occurring, the deaths, the near misses, 80% of the time the individuals who are involved in those were not wearing a life jacket,” explained Muir.

With the early boating season here, Muir shared various tips on how to stay safe on watercrafts this summer.

“Okanagan Lake in the summer is extremely busy and boaters need to remember that they need to pay attention to what’s around them (and) operate at a safe speed so they can avoid collisions with other vessels,” said Muir.

Data from the BC Coroners Service released in the summer of 2023 showed that between Jan. 1, 2012, and Dec. 31, 2022, there were 30 drowning deaths in Okanagan Lake, the most of any lake in the province in that span.

One factor that can make operating a vessel dangerous is doing so impaired, which Muir implored the public to avoid and added that it carries the same penalties as driving a car under the influence.

Unless a boat is anchored and has a toilet and sleeping quarters, there should not be any open alcoholic beverages on board.

<who> Photo Credit: NowMedia/Corvin Vaski

Muir added there has been an uptick in boaters since COVID and that operators should be prepared when heading out on the water, including checking the weather forecast to ensure a smooth adventure.

For a safe outing, Muir recommends boaters read the Transport Canada Safe Boating Guide, which includes a list of necessary equipment.

Operators missing essential equipment can be fined for each missing piece and boaters should be aware of the wake their vessel is creating.

“If their wake is causing damage to people’s property or capsizing other vessels on the water, they could be held responsible for that as well and it could also be considered careless operation,” added Muir.

More safe boating resources can be found online at this link.

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