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New UBCO media course offers students chance to be published

A brand new course is coming to UBC’s Okanagan campus and it will give students the opportunity to write their very own material for KelownaNow.

<who> KelownaNow </who>

The new course is entitled Economics and the Media, and it will be available to students across the university, regardless of their program or study.

Students will be able to enroll in the course for the Spring semester, starting in January 2018.

According to UBCO, the interdisciplinary course will draw together students from every faculty and discipline, from economics and political science to management and media studies.

Overall, the course will cover the multifaceted nature of economics.

“This course is ideal for highly-motivated students seeking to gain supplementary practical experience with economics,” said Julien Picault, instructor of economics who is leading the course design.

<who> UBC Okanagan </who> Julien Picault, instructor of Economics at UBCO

Perhaps most interestingly, this course will offer students a lot more than just note taking and another avenue to gain credits. For the first time, the course will offer students the chance to submit articles and stories to KelownaNow.

“Students will have the opportunity to expand on the theoretical models learned in previous courses by researching and writing media articles exploring the practical role of economics in the community,” said Picault. “Rather than traditional lectures, the course will include group discussions, brainstorming, group research and experimental learning. This is an outcome-based course. Students will be expected to produce high-quality articles worthy of publication.”

"KelownaNow is thrilled to be working with UBCO and Julien Picault," said Sam Hill, Chief Operations Officer, KelownaNow.

Students enrolled in the course will be held not only to UBC standards, but also to those of KelownaNow, which in turn will provide a better understanding of workplace expectations.

The new Economics and the Media course (ECON 391) will require students to have completed prerequisites in Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 101) and Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 102).

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