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VIDEO: People's Party Local loses a president and gains turmoil

In November, Daniel Joseph was elected president of the Electoral District Association of the new People's Party of Canada. Now he's left that role, claiming that a racist and hateful brand of politics is taking over.

When Daniel Joseph was elected President of the People's Party EDA late last year, he was drawn by the talk about fiscal conservatism and the like-minded people he met gave him confidence.

"I thought hey, I can work with these people," said Joseph, "We can really make a difference from the inside."

Right from the start, he saw the party attracting some people with hateful ideas, but they were the outsiders. Then, he said, things changed. "We went from having these vocal minorities with some really strong racist views to now they're being put into positions of authority."

Joseph points a finger at the party's newly elected operations director in the BC Interior, Glen Walushka who he claims made hateful comments, but he admits they came to him second hand through his directors. "I would often have them come back and tell me some of the things that he was saying," he told KelownaNow, "and some of the things I don't want to repeat."

Walushka has called the claims "baseless" and "without fact". Walushka also disputes Joseph's description of how he left his role as president. Joseph says he left because of his concerns, while Walushka said he was removed from the position two weeks earlier for different reasons.

Click here for Walushka's full response Via email. In part he said "...the People's Party of Canada is, and will remain, an inclusive, principled political party, worthy of your support - and your vote going into the 2019 Canadian Federal Election."

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