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Public engagement on new West Kelowna fire hall could begin by late May

The City of West Kelowna is moving onto the next steps of replacing the 52-year-old Fire Hall #32 in the Lakeview Heights neighbourhood.

The city is expected to move onto the next design phase that will see the facility replaced with a new building on Anders Road.

A recent Alternative Approval Process that sought elector approval to borrow up to $8 million to replace the aging facility passed with only 68 people opposed to the borrowing.

The Loan Authorization Bylaw was adopted on Mar. 27.

A report headed to council on Tuesday says the Progressive Design Build, which was chosen in November 2023 as the best way to move forward with the project, has “provided a technically sound project.”

<who> Photo Credit: City of West Kelowna

“There are no changes anticipated to the approved budget based on the most recent design and costing information,” says the staff report headed to council.

“Staff anticipate executing the Build Phase of the project in the very near future.”

Additionally, city staff say detailed design consultation plans are also underway and the city will begin seeking stakeholder and public input on the detailed design in late May or early June.

It is expected that there will be a two-week consultation period to inform the final design.

That will include stakeholder meetings on the integrated recreation and park space components of the new facility.

Preliminary design plans show that the project will also include the integration of the Lakeview Heights Community Centre, park space and amenities including a sports court, playground and pickleball facilities.

Initial consultation with the West Kelowna Fire Rescue Department will focus on the fire hall building and operations.

“The project will soon be transitioned onto the engagement platform that will further inform and engage the community while contractors begin with site mobilization anticipated in the coming weeks,” says the staff report.

“As crews install site fencing and begin area preparation activity estimated in early-to-mid May, the contractor’s construction staging and schedule will be finalized with the City and engagement activities launched shortly thereafter.”

City staff remind all residents that the project will have no impact on property taxes.

West Kelowna council will review the matter more on April 23 at 6 pm.

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