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Kelowna author to release poetry collection exploring the seasons of life

A Kelowna author will be celebrating the launch of her first book with events on May 26 and 27.

Chiara Mason has created a collection of poetry, titled Blooming: Poetry for Seasons of Change, that explores the seasons of fall, winter, spring and summer, as well as the seasons of life.

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“I’m hoping that people will feel understood or that they can relate and know they’re not alone in whatever it is that they’re experiencing,” Mason says.

“I think it's a helpful tool for working through anything anyone is experiencing mental-health wise.”

Mason says that she has been writing for as long as she can remember, and Blooming features poetry that she has written over the past few years.

“I guess my approach to writing it was maybe a little bit different than others,” she explains. “It wasn’t like I just sat down and decided I was going to write a book.”

“I had all these different pieces of poetry that I decided I wanted to put together and make into some sort of book that had a theme and would tell a story.”

She describes her writing as freeform, as it does not follow conventional poetry structures.

“It’s just coming from the heart,” Mason says.

Kelowna’s events will include a book signing, reading and Q&A session, with the first on May 26 from 1 to 5 pm at Indigo Kelowna at Orchard Park Mall and the second on May 27 from 1 to 4 pm at Black Sheep Coffee Bar on Bernard Avenue.

Anyone who plans to attend can pre-order a book, which they will receive at the event.

Those interested in getting a copy who are not attending the event are asked to wait to purchase Blooming until it is officially released.

Mason will also be hosting a book signing in Vancouver on May 28 and Toronto on June 2.

She adds: “The main goal is to celebrate the book coming to life.”

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